Co-development Telecocabler
NBN Co-development | new development | Telecocabler

Co-develop a new subdivision, estate or build network infrastructure with us

We can co-develop to reduce project costs, offering a more competitive tender

Developers, builders, electricians, local government or telecom service providers can co-develop with us to cut project costs, ensure designs and installs are to standard, take on more end-to-end projects.

Co-developing with us

  • Plan together in the early stages of the project to identify phases for telecommunication infrastructure design and build
  • Design and submit NBN service plan
  • Supply and install NBN pit & pipe and pathway infrastructure
  • Attain NBN certification
  • Project management & consultation

We offer design, construction, relocation, upgrades & maintenance of network infrastructure services, pit & pipe, survey, rod & rope, cable hauling, LFN & DFN enclosure install, splicing, testing, service assurance for residential, commercial and enterprise businesses. Co-develop with us to take on more end-to-end network builds

Network Infrastructure Co-development

  • Collaborate with project stakeholders to ensure efficient and cost-effective delivery of it's telecommunication services and assets
  • Certified, accredited & equipped to service Fibre Optic, HFC & copper technologies
  • Consult, plan, design, construct, maintain and provide cost estimate
  • Project management for on-time delivery

Why Co-develop with Telecocabler?

NBN supplier & telecommunication specialists

  • We are an NBN trained supplier
  • Fast-track approvals & council letters
  • Service plan designs to standard
  • Construction is built right the first time
  • Avoid site inspection fees
  • Avoid remediation costs and delays
  • See our Accreditation

Frequently asked questions

Recommended reads

NBN Equipment and space requirements for a reliable connection

Strategic planning is needed to improve the efficiency of telecommunication services

Direct Ethernet Data Cabling for stable and consistent Internet performance

Have a development? You can count on us to get the job done right the first time

Let's arrange a meeting for co-development information session